We regret to inform our customers that all decal products are currently unavailble. We are currently working to resolve this shortage, stay tuned...
I'd been going nuts over the years fitting together striping and lettering for my personal modeling. Now we have a solution. The HDS list of available linework and alphabet styles will continue to grow. The HDS line of decal products is derived from extensive primary source data that includes period imagery, period manufacturer catalogs, and surviving equipment. Lettering is traced from suitable images or modified for accuracy from our extensive font library.
In house printing is done on high quality wet transfer decal films via ALPS printer. This printing system allows for an extensive variety of color options that includes whites and metalics.
ALL decal sets are available in F, O, S, and HO.
Contact us for additional scales and ordering information at:
Baldwin Factory Striping and Lettering.
These Baldwin striping sets are designed to fit the Spartan Series and the upcoming MMI 8-18C American release. These Baldwin Striping Styles are adaptible to fit any Baldwin locomotive from 1870 to just after 1900.
These sets have been the product of several years of information gathering and are the most accurate ever created. The data sources include direct measurements from "Sonoma" on display at CSRM, and the restoration documents for her and "Eureka". Additional documentation includes the Baldwin Style Books at Stanford University. No other decaling sets are as complete, accurate, or sharp. Elements from these sets were created for the MMI model decaling. Lettering where possible has been traced from builder's photographs, and high quality imagery of "Sonoma", and "Eureka".
Baldwin Style Lettering.
HDS Sonoma Style.
The Sonoma Style Lettering was a common Baldwin Standard in the 1870's and 80's. This drop shadowed font has been developed to be an exact match to "Sonoma's" on display at the California State Railroad Museum and high quality Baldwin builder's photographs. Gold letter faces and two-tone red drop shadowing. The decal lettering is available in any size. A generic alphabet is available (4 copies of each letter) or we can print in your road name.
HDS Eureka Style Lettering.
The Eureka Style Lettering was a common Baldwin Standard in the 1870's and 80's. This drop shadowed font has been developed to be an exact match to "Eurekas" owned by Dan Markoff and high quality Baldwin builder's photographs. Gold letter faces and two-tone red drop shadowing. The decal lettering is available in any size. A generic alphabet is available (4 copies of each letter) or we can print in your road name.
HDS Santa Cruz Thick and Thin Lettering.
The Santa Cruz Style Lettering was a common Baldwin Standard in the 1870's and 80's. This drop shadowed font has been developed to be a match to "Jupiter" on display at the Smithsonian and high quality Baldwin builder's photographs. Gold letter faces and two-tone red drop shadowing. The decal lettering is available in any size. A generic alphabet is available (4 copies of each letter) or we can print in your road name.
Railroad Passenger Car Drop Shadow Lettering Sets
The RR Roman Version 2 Drop Shadowed Font was commonly used on Baldwin Cabs for named locomotives. This lettering style is also very suitable for fancy Baggage, Mail, and Express Car lettering. Illustrated is a gold and red version and is available in any size. Contact us for other color combinations.
More Fancy Drop Shadowed Passenger Car Lettering Fonts under development will be added shortly.
Generic Block Fonts
Generic Railroad Roman
A word about the HDS Generic Block and Roman Fonts:
Generic Alphabet sets are available in any size. Each set consists of 4 copies of each letter. Colors available include: white, black, red, and gold. Contact us for your special requirements.
Rolling Stock Sets
Tri-Color Logo.
The NPC Tricolor Logo is available on a special order basis. Application requires two overlays. The base colors followed by a gold edging layer. Contact me with your Tender Tank height (below the top fairing to base).
Box Car Set.
The NPC Box Car Set is built up from late 1880's and 90's imagery. Included are side lettering,end lettering, and Carter Brothers logos from the Saucelito and Newark shops for two cars. The decals are available in white or black and in any scale.
Flat Car Set
The NPC Flat Car Set is built up from late 1880's and 90's imagery. Included are side lettering and Carter Brothers logos from the Saucelito and Newark shops
for two cars. The decals are available in white or black and in any scale.
SPC Gothic Alphabet. Lettering developed by Eric Jewett.

Status: Box Car Set available shortly
Status: Flat Car Set available shortly
Status: Sets in development, pending proofing.
In early development:
Mason Bogie Striping Sets
Contact us for pricing, orders, and custom work.
All decals are scaleable to the size you need, be it HO to 1:20.3.
Note: we have a very large off-the-shelf font library, write for a sample list.